Sunday, 24 August 2014

Australian Outreach!

Hey All!
Sorry for the absence on the blog as of late, it has been a very busy month! If you are looking for more ongoing updates, remember to check out our Facebook page! 

 Emmanuel is currently in Australia, which has been a really great experience so far.  He will be in Australia for 3 months duration, fundraising for Yimba Uganda, raising awareness for our current and upcoming projects as well as engaging in a cultural exchange in a number of schools and community groups.  Here are a few pictures and stories of what he has been getting up to! Enjoy!

Emmanuel presenting at Rotary Club of Healesville:

Emmanuel made quite an impression on the Rotary Club of Healesville, giving a presentation on Yimba Uganda and Uganda at large. All the members were very intrigued and thoroughly enjoyed his presentation. In the coming months Emmanuel hopes to present at a number of other Rotary groups throughout the district.  

School Outreach: Yimba Uganda is all about reaching out to those around you, using the talents that you have to teach and encourage others.  So what a perfect opportunity to have Emmanuel reach out to the youth in Australia, educating them about Ugandan music, culture and traditions.  While in the schools, Emmanuel has been giving presentations on what life is like growing up in Uganda, the needs people have there, as well as providing an insight into the diversity of the country. He has also been teaching African drumming, whilst Anne-Marie or Sandy teach African paper bead making for a more hands on experience. We have had some amazing feedback from this program, and have many other schools booked for the coming months. 

Markets: One of Yimba Uganda’s greatest source of funding is coming from the sale of Ugandan crafts at market stalls throughout Melbourne. Currently, we are fundraising for sound machines to lower the costs of all our outreaches, providing us with the opportunity to expand our school and community outreach programs. Slowly by slowly we are coming up with the money for this project, so please pray that we will be able to find the rest of the money to launch this project when Emmanuel returns to Uganda in October.  Whilst at the markets, we have been engaging with different members of the community, teaching them some African drumming and Crafts as well.

Coopy Bly Music: During the month of September, Emmanuel has been given the opportunity to speak a number of Church Youth groups, about life as a Christian Musician in Uganda, and how he has used this special gift to give back to vulnerable communities. He will be performing at these events, and engaging with a wide range of Australian Youth. If you would like to come and watch at any of these events, let us know and we can provide you with the details. 

CD sales: Another form of fundraising during Emmanuel’s Australia tour is the sale of CD’s. The CD’s are a playlist of Coopy Bly’s (Emmanuel’s) greatest hits. All of the money from the sale of these CD’s will go towards ministry in Uganda. So please contact me if you would like to purchase one of these CDs! or 0431 736 118.

Please continue to pray for Emmanuel’s stay in Australia; including his upcoming presentations and programs in youth groups and schools, that everything would run smoothly and people would be impacted by his presence. Please also pray that more opportunities would arise both for Emmanuel and his work through Yimba Uganda. He will continue to keep you updated throughout the remainder of his trip, through Facebook, and bloodspot. 

-Yimba Uganda 